
wp-1688061300445I’m a documentary filmmaker and the author of short stories, young adult novels and children’s picture books. My stories explore the Chinese-Canadian community, family relationships and the Chinese culture.

I love to read. I’ve buried my nose in books ever since I was a kid, so when I was still in elementary school, I knew I wanted to be a writer. My list of favourite books is long and constantly growing.

The old saying, “Write about what you know” works for me, but I would also say that writing about what I don’t know works just as well. I’m always interested in the behind-the-scenes story; the who, what, when, where, why and how. That’s what led me to study journalism.

I also apply the five “Ws” and the “how” to my own life. When I was a kid, my parents once reminded me as I rooted for the Montreal Canadians during a Stanley Cup final, that I’m not one of “them”. We were Chinese. Since my brother, sister and I were the only Chinese kids in an elementary school filled mostly with kids of Greek, Egyptian, or Armenian origin, I didn’t know what “being Chinese” meant. That’s where the five “Ws” come in; finding an answer to that has been a part of my life ever since.


11 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Jell-O Shots, Hiking and More Flowers!! | Tranquil Dreams

  2. Questions of identity are really interesting. I am a Canadian (from Toronto) living in NY since 1989. I have become much more “American” but still sometimes think and behave “like a Canadian”. My American husband is Hispanic (his grandfather was Mexican) and my grandfathers were Irish and German. Fun stuff!

  3. I agree! My nieces and nephews are half Chinese and their kids are a quarter Chinese. When I ask them about identity, they say they feel like Canadians.

  4. Pingback: More Awards?! *blush* | Tranquil Dreams

  5. Pingback: My Friend’s Wedding Part 2! | Tranquil Dreams

  6. There is something quite unique about people from Montreal, the Chinese included. Where else do the waiters/waitresses speak four languages. (In recent years, in Chinatown, I could hear Cantonese, Mandarin, French and English, and in yesteryears, I heard often Toisan or the Four Counties dialect.) I understand that there is still a remnant of speakers of the Four Counties dialect in Montreal. When I lived in Toronto, I used to drive to Montreal whenever I could in order to taste Schwartz’s smoked meat and gorge myself at that huge Chinese buffet in Chinatown, a place where even a Jew and a Palestinian could forget about politics and enjoy steamed dumplings and munch on crab in a ginger sauce. Thanks for creating this blog.

    • Thanks, I’m glad you enjoy the blog. I grew up speaking Toisan and remember when that was the main dialect among the Chinese here. It’s hard to find someone who speaks it now.

  7. Pingback: The Frozen Book Tag! | Tranquil Dreams

  8. Well, well. Day’s Lee. I totally remember you. Played Basketball together at HSM!!!!! You haven’t changed at all, Day’s. I’ve thought of you through the years, fondly. I hope you are doing well!

    • Hi Cate,

      That was so long ago that I’m afraid I don’t remember you. I only remember a handful of people on the team, but it’s nice to hear from you.

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