And I would like to thank…


This blog post is long overdue. Kim@Tranquil Dreams, nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award early in November. Read her post here. Her praise means a lot as I could not have started this blog without her mentorship. Thank you, Kim!

Finally! I’m an award winning writer! 😀

Writing this blog has opened up a whole new world for me. I’ve discovered interesting bloggers around the world and have explored more in my own city in search of blog topics. It’s educational, interesting, fascinating, and addictive, but most of all, FUN!

So, in accepting this award, there are some rules I have to follow:

– Display the Award on your Blog.

– Announce your win with a post and thank the Blogger who nominated you.

– Present 15 deserving Bloggers with the Award.

– Link your nominees in the post and let them know of their nomination with a comment 

– Post 7 interesting things about yourself. 

That last rule is a little difficult. Even though I’m a writer, I never know what to say about myself. Writing bios is agonizing, so to come up with seven interesting things about myself…well…that’s part of the reason why this blog is late. But, Kim has provided me with some questions to answer so that makes it alot easier. Here goes:

1) What makes you happiest?

Connecting with friends.

2) Do you love the Oceans or Mountains more?

Either one as it means I’m on VACATION!

3) What has been a special moment in 2013?

Launching my first young adult novel “Guitar Hero”.

4) What’s your favourite quote?

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them” Maya Angelou

5) Do you stay up till midnight on New Year?

I try.

6) What was your favourite class when still at school?

English literature.

7) Do you like to do Crafts, Drawing or Painting?

Actually, sewing. When I was in high school, I sewed some of my clothes.

And now, the bloggers to who I would like to give The Versatile Blogger Award. You may not notice me much as I just like to read and browse through all the terrific posts, and I’m more of a clicking “like” person than a “comment” person. But I do enjoy your posts and appreciate the work and creativity that goes into writing them, so thank you for that. The list is in no particular order:

JT Weaver

Charlotte Hoather

Browsing the Atlas


Writer Site

Moments in Life

The Librarian Who Doesn’t Say “Shhh”


Joe’s Musings


Hey From Japan – Notes on Moving, Emily Cannell

Todd Pack’s Messy Desk


5 thoughts on “And I would like to thank…

  1. Thank you for nominating me. I very much appreciate the thought. I have already taken part in this award before, so will decline doing so again, but am touched that I was included in your list of versatile bloggers. Thanks!

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination! I’m not technically accepting any longer (trying to keep the focus on my reading and writing for now), but I am so honored, and I love your blog–it’s very very deserving of this award!!! xo

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